Pages in life of a sufi

Auteur: Musharaff Moulamia Khan

Categorie:Religie & Esoterie / Onderwerp: Filosofie -
Cover van het boek 'Pages in life of a sufi' van Musharaff Moulamia Khan
Uitgevers Musharaff Moulamia Khan, Musharaff Moulamia Khan, Mirananda,The Netherlands
Uitgavejaar 1991


This book is published to give its readers a little taste, a marvellous perfume, a stolen glance into an India which is all these romantic and spiritual things. A nation where saints were produced and souls are elevated. We can never be sufficiently grateful for this priceless little book, for in these pages we can find what no camera can capture and no roaming to live sadhus or sages can achieve. The Sufi Message brought to the West by Inayat Khan, the eldest brother of the author, Musharaff Khan, bears in itself some of the subtleties and glowing aspects which these pages will inspire within us. No doubt to the Sufis, this book will be an invaluable treasure to help understand the Sufi Messenger, the Sufi Message and the Sufi Movement. - Mashaikh Fazal Inayat Khan.


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