101 thing to do


by KesselsKramer

Auteur: KesselsKramer

Categorie:Wonen & Tuinieren / Onderwerp: Vormgeving & Design -
Cover van het boek '101 thing to do' van  KesselsKramer
Uitgevers BIS Publishers, BIS Publishers BV
Uitgavejaar 2006


This book displays the thirty projects developed since the founding of the 'Do' label and launches another seventy new ideas for products, marketing, design and communication, are based on the Do principle. Do is the ever-changing label initiated ten years ago by KesselsKramer. Do began with a strong mind set but lacked a specific product or service. While most labels claim to offer satisfaction coupled with a complete, pre-defined function, the user of a Do product must actively assist in the working of a product. In this book the creators of Do not only look back but again point the way forward by giving suggestions for new Do projects, in collaboration with numerous prominent creative minds. In a forty-page essay, the principles of Do are analysed and related to the branding strategies of such major labels as Virgin, Easy, Body Shop and Benneton. In the essay, KesselsKramer reveals their vision of the most important trends in marketing, communications and product design.


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