Creativity in sales


a pragmatic guide on your journey from selling products om price to selling solutions on value

Auteur: Paul Aarts

Categorie:Business / Onderwerp: Marketing & Verkoop 39
Cover van het boek 'Creativity in sales' van Paul Aarts
Uitgever Gopher B.V.
Uitgavejaar 2006


Selling solutions to business problems is an art and a science and should be fun. The fun part is only true if you know what you are doing. You will have to look for the best way to use your limited resources, to be aware of the risks and to maximize the value of the solution for you and for your customer. For sales professionals who know how to play the game, sharing risk and reward with the customer can be of major importance. You will move from supplier to a long term partner and from selling products on price to selling solutions on business value. This can be very profitable for you and of great value to your customers.

During his 30 years in sales, the author has learned that creativity and the human factor are underestimated in the business market. Creativity is a free resource; it increases the involvement and motivation of your team and is a differentiator that is difficult to copy by your competitors. What he has also learned is that questions are magic and that objections are buying signs. This book is a pragmatic guide to long term business relations and success.


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