The Yard

Auteur: Joseph Hart

Categorie:Literatuur / Onderwerp: Historische romans 141
Cover van het boek 'The Yard' van Joseph Hart
Uitgever Free Musketeers
Uitgavejaar 2011


Armani is mysteriously drawn to the ruins of Master Janchi's Yard, where her ancestors lived as slaves. Fighting for its restoration, she encounters stiff opposition, even abuse. At the brink of despair, a healer makes her relive her past through regression therapy. She experiences her ancestors' dehumanizing suffering in Africa, during the Middle Passage, and in CuraƧao. Wiser and spiritually grown by this firsthand experience, she confronts her enemies and a divisive community, still struggling with its past. Throughout the novel's shocking and moving scenes to its surprising finale, Armani reflects this struggle and offers hope through love and forgiveness.


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