Journalists don't bite


media handbook for managers

Auteur: Hans Kruyzen

Categorie:Business / Onderwerp: Management 235
Cover van het boek 'Journalists don't bite' van Hans Kruyzen
Uitgevers Haystack, Uitgeverij, Haystack
Uitgavejaar 2007


Interview coming up? Are you suffering from stage-fright? Journalists Don't Bite! shows how good preparation is the key to a self-assured performance in contacts with the media. This guide is practical as well as inspiring, and describes how managers can make use of the media to ensure effective and sincere communication with clients, shareholders, authorities and the labour market.

Hans Kruyzen is director of MediaLogic, an international consultancy firm that raises media awareness amongst executives and managers of various multinational companies. Hans organizes seminars all over the world, from Milan to Miami and from Berlin to Beijing. Before establishing MediaLogic, Hans worked for many years as an international business journalist. From 1996 to 2000, he was chief editor of the magazine Management Team. Hans is also the author of Talking Business - Media Exposure and the Art of Being Interviewed (2003), Spraakmakend presenteren – haal meer uit zakelijke teksten en toespraken (2004) and Managers en de media – handboek voor effectieve perscontacten (2004).


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